Pin orientation of ESP8266 and HC05 modules?
I do not see any visual clues about pin orientations for the ESP8266 and HC05 modules. I searched the e-book for "ESP8266" and only found 3 matches. No mention of proper orientation, other than a somewhat vague picture. I would think this is really important info, especially for electronic newbies - otherwise damage can easily occur... But, maybe I just missed some documentation somewhere?
I also did a search for "8266" in these community discussions, but no hits - until my post just now...
Suggestion: in the "old days" (40+ years ago for me), pin 1 was usually identified on silkscreen printing on circuit boards with a special dot or triangle symbol - and integrated circuits had an indent in one corner of the IC to identify pin 1 (making it easy to identify proper orientation). I don't see any such markings on PB board, or on the module headers. Maybe the adhesive label on the plastic bags that the modules come in could either have a closeup picture, or wording, to identify proper orientation. And, it would be helpful to illustrate this in the e-book as well - in the very beginning - as well as in any samples that use the modules...
In looking at the e-book, I was also surprised there wasn't a section in the beginning that describes the PB board physical layout, how to separate modules from main PB board (not sure what you call the combination of all the modules that lay in the red plastic frame?). Maybe describe/show how to detach modules, how to use the Easy Connector cables etc. Again, maybe I just overlooked this type of info in my excitement to play with PB :)
Just noticed that the e-book I've been looking at is called the "Project Book". Guess I need to look for other e-books that describe the physical hardware...
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Pin descriptions for the HC-05 is right next to the black socket for the HC-05, as well as written next to the pins of the HC-05 units themselves. Basically face the component side towards the right and insert. If you have a 4-pin version of the HC05, then use only the center pins and leave each end unused.
ESP01 is inserted such that it overlaps the Bluetooth socket. Again with the board oriented towards the right, pins to the left. The pinouts for the ESP01 socket is written on the bottom side of the Pico board, as it is for every component on the board.
However, your suggestion of having a hardware handling section is a good idea and will be relayed to Robotistan group.
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