Project Idea: Count Up
With this project, you use a servo to count from 0 to 60 seconds. The arrow on the servo moves 3 degrees every second.
You could use this project to make a game clock or stopwatch. You use the button to stop the clock.
You can let it count down instead of up with a slight modification.
With the block 30+(i/3) it will count up. When using block 30-(i/3) it will count down.
If you change the range block from -90 to 90 to 90 to -90 the arrow will go the other way.
How could you make this nicer?
Think about :
- Add a bigger button
- Add a bigger OLED screen
- Flash the LED every second
- Use the RGB LED and change the color every second
- Draw a nice "clock" face. The servo is a 180-degree servo so you can not go a full circle
- Make fancier/funnier arrows to use.
- Use the same button to start and stop the count.
Use your imagination...
Let's project thanks to Peter🤙🏻🤙🏻
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