PicoBricks Hearing Test Project
PicoBricks Hearing Test Project
We can detect our ear age by using PicoBricks buzzer and button module. Let's test whether we can hear the sound by increasing the frequency of the buzzer systematically with the button.
As people get older, they cannot hear certain frequencies. This situation determines our ear age. For example;
- Anyone who is not deaf can hear a sound with a frequency of 8000Hz.
- Anyone who is under 50 age can hear a sound with a frequency of 12000Hz.
- Anyone who is under 40 age can hear a sound with a frequency of 14000Hz.
- Anyone who is under 30 age can hear a sound with a frequency of 16000Hz.
- Anyone who is under 24 age can hear a sound with a frequency of 17000Hz.
- Anyone who is under 20 age can hear a sound with a frequency of 19000Hz.
We can produce the sound at any frequency we want by using the buzzer module from PicoBricks modules. Let’s do a project that tests our ear age. The necessary modules for this project are:
- Buzzer
- Button & LED
- OLED Screen
Project Video: https://twitter.com/selimgayretlii/status/1654429539693481986
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PicoBricks V1.2
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