Microblocks I2C Transfer Failed When Using Picrobricks
Do you still get this error message or was it solved?
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I am still getting it.
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Can you give more info. Is your PicoBricks still whole or did you break it apart? What if you connect your OLED with a cable to your Pi? Does that work?
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It is still whole. I'll connecting it to my PC. I am seeing 5V.
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I think you read my text wrong. I said Pi as for Pico and not PC.
Did your OLED work before? Does it work with micropython?
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The OLED has never worked. I have only just received it. It does not work when directly connected to the Pico and does not work with Python either? Hardware problem?
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Did you contact Robotistan?
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I've contacted via mail.
Have a great day! 😊
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