Splitting The Picobricks System
If I split my picobricks system into parts, and then assemble it again, will the automatic connections that are in the original system still work?
No, you have to connect it with the cables that came in the package when it reassembles.
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You can't even efficiently solder across the trace breaks on the bottom. Once the mini boards are broken off, they are seperated for good. You have to use jumpers. And you can not use an add-on board attached to the jumpers along with the mini boards still attached to the bus, for the sensors and potentiometer, button, or wireless board.
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This is good info to know for newbies!
And you can not use an add-on board attached to the jumpers along with the mini boards still attached to the bus, for the sensors and potentiometer, button, or wireless board
Not sure exactly what the above means? Could someone explain to a total PB newbie? Tks!
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We'll let @Gadgeteer explain what he meant !
However, the Grove cable sockets both on the sensor modules and the Pico processor modules are there for the express purpose of reconnecting broken off modules as needed to achieve the original functionality. The traces used for the board level connectivity of the modules are using the same pins on the processor as the specific Grove cable pins. There is no need to try to solder any traces in case of modules that were broken off and need to be integrated back with the modules still attached to the board.
If a component is broken off and then reconnected via the Grove cables to the correct processor Grove socket, there will be no difference in the operational capability. And it will be possible to integrate these broken off modules with the ones that are not broken off.
That was a mouthful, but I hope it will make someone's life easier.
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