School Project Idea: Pain Scale

Version 1.0, Peter Mathijssen

This project could be the basis for a school project. 

In healthcare, there are patients who have problems verbally expressing their pain. 

Sometimes being only able to use a single finger. With this project, you could develop a system where patients could alert someone when their pain goes beyond a certain level.

It uses a PicoBricks button, an OLED screen, and a buzzer.

In this sample, the blocks for the buzzer are added but not used. As a nurse, you could "talk" to your patient and decide together when help is needed and whether the buzzer should make a noise or the message should get sent. 

Think about adding a bigger button, a bigger OLED screen, a WIFI module, or a Bluetooth module so you can send an alert to a nurse. There is no casing for this project so you could also think about that.

The images used in this project were made with the help of this tutorial:

The zip-file contains the MicroBlocks ubp file.

Remark: It should be allowed on this community to upload a ubp file without having to put it in a zip-file.


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