Micro python
Hello @barriereg,
Can you read 1.2 Thonny (MicroPython) IDE for Beginners in the E-Book? The video is still being prepared.
Have a nice day. ☺
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Yes that is what I'm using. But I can't get a file to install. I keep getting error.
This is where I get.
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Hello @barriereg,
After pressing the BOOTSEL key and connecting, can you copy the uf2 file I added below into the RPI-RP2 file from the file explorer?
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on you posted file sorry
standby I will try
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I can unzip your file. How does one load it into configure Interpreter area
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I don't see an RPI-RP2 file or folder. Tried RP1-RP2 search as well in explorer. not on my laptop.
Copied file to RPI-RP2 drive...
no change
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