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  • There are two reasons I wanted these. After you separate the boards, the connecting wires now make the boards not sit flat in the trays. If you want to build the robot car it suggests that you glue the boards down to the robot. I would print the …

  • You have my permission to share the link to my printable page on GitHub.

  • In the if block there is a right pointing arrow at the bottom of the block. Click on it and it will become an If then else block

  • That did fix the Micro Blocks version. there are still artifacts in the countdown when minutes and/or seconds go from 2 digits to 1.

    In the Arduino version the time still resets. I changed the 360000 in the code to 3600000 and that fixed th…

  • Just noticed that Google translate translated to just about the same text as the next sentence in that section. Y just need to remove the extra text.

  • Also If you copy and past the code from the e-book directly into the Arduino IDE, if there are any quotes in the copied code you will get compile errors because they use the upside down/right side u quote pairs in the typesetting.

  • If you click on the color dot in the "PicoBricks set RGB color" block, you can change the color displayed on the RGB LED.

    I use a flashlight to test mine, and if I get the flashlight near, but not directly on the light sensor, it flickers.…


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