Project for the IR Remote Controller
Hi, I've bought the large Picobricks box "Zero to Hero" and there's an IR Remote Controller (code 11717).
Have you a demo project for it?
Here are two projects you can find on this community.
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Peter, thanks for this.
Is there MicroPython code for the "Testing the IR sensor on the latest PicoBricks".
(I don't use Microblocks).
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I don't know if there is Python code. I think the people from Robotistan will have to help you with that.
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You can test your PicoBricks by using the link that I've added. Please follow the steps below.
- Copy code and paste it to Thonny.
- Save the code into Raspberry Pi Pico with its own name (as by pushing ctrl+shift+s.
- Repeat the steps for and
- Finally, run the code and test the IR sensor by pressing the keys
Note: Do not forget to connect DC motors. (You can test DC motors with keys 4 and 5.)
If you have any question, you can send an e-mail.
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