Activities and ebook License
I would like to know which license you use for your activities at
I want to know because I want to translate them into Dutch and want to make them into MicroBlocks tutorials as I did here.
I know they only contain blocks but I would like to ask anyway. :-)
The same goes for your ebook which can be found at
It says
"All rights reserved. It is strictly forbidden to copy, reproduce, use, publish and
distribute the text, photographs and other content in this book, in whole or in part,
without permission, except for individual use."
I am a CoderDojo Champion and would also like to translate parts of the ebook into Dutch so I can use them during a gathering of our members.
I don't have any Pico Bricks yet but would like to know if this is possible before I start translating.
Maybe you could put a on your ebook.
This would benefit the Pico Bricks community
Howdy, Stranger!
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